停止使用现金!加入 Qiwi 钱包浪潮
发布时间: 2023-04-25 点击:583次

Did you know that only 5% of Russians have bank accounts? That’s why Qiwi Wallet, a payment service provider, has become so popular in Russia. This e-wallet payment method has a complete risk protection mechanism, can be used in stores, online, and on mobile phones, and is available in more than 20 countries. Say goodbye to cash and join the Qiwi Wallet wave!

您还在使用现金进行日常交易吗?你觉得随身携带现金不方便吗?嗯,你并不孤单。事实上,只有 5% 的俄罗斯人拥有银行账户。这就是 Qiwi 钱包在俄罗斯如此受欢迎的原因之一。
Are you still using cash for your daily transactions? Do you find it inconvenient to carry cash around? Well, you’re not alone. In fact, only 5% of Russians have bank accounts. That’s one of the reasons why Qiwi Wallet has become so popular in Russia.

Qiwi Wallet 是由 Qiwi 提供的电子钱包支付服务,Qiwi 是俄罗斯最大的支付服务提供商之一。它于 2007 年推出,现已扩展到欧洲、亚洲、非洲和美洲的 22 个国家/地区。然而,主要市场仍然是俄罗斯。
Qiwi Wallet is an electronic wallet payment service provided by Qiwi, one of the largest payment service providers in Russia. It was launched in 2007, and has now expanded to 22 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. The main market, however, is still Russia.

Qiwi 钱包如何运作?它允许用户在商店、在线和手机上完成支付。这是一种多场景支付方式,深受俄罗斯及周边国家消费者欢迎。 Qiwi Wallet成功结合了俄罗斯人喜欢用现金进行消费的习惯和只有5%的消费者拥有银行账户的现状。
How does Qiwi Wallet work? It allows users to complete payments in stores, online, and on their mobile phones. It is a multi-scenario payment method that is welcomed by consumers in Russia and its neighboring countries. Qiwi Wallet has successfully combined the habit of Russians who prefer to use cash for consumption and the status quo that only 5% of consumers have bank accounts.

Qiwi Wallet拥有较为完备的风险保障机制,是一种安全便捷的支付方式。付款成功后,卖家可以立即发货。在俄罗斯,信用卡在线支付使用率不高,银行转账和Qiwi Wallet电子钱包支付是主要选择。
Qiwi Wallet has a relatively complete risk protection mechanism, making it a safe and convenient way to make payments. Once a payment is successful, the seller can ship immediately. In Russia, the usage rate of credit card online payments is not high, and bank transfer and Qiwi Wallet e-wallet payment are the main options.

例如,如果您想从只接受现金的商店购买东西,您可以使用 Qiwi 钱包进行购买。或者,如果您在线购物并需要付款,只需使用 Qiwi 钱包即可。如果您没有信用卡或担心在线欺诈,这将特别有用。
For example, if you want to buy something from a store that only accepts cash, you can use Qiwi Wallet to make your purchase. Or if you’re shopping online and need to make a payment, simply use Qiwi Wallet. This is especially useful if you don’t have a credit card or are worried about online fraud.

那么,为什么不加入 Qiwi 钱包浪潮并停止使用现金进行日常交易呢?它简单、方便且安全。使用Qiwi Wallet,您可以在20多个国家进行多种场景的支付。
So, why not join the Qiwi Wallet wave and stop using cash for your daily transactions? It’s easy, convenient, and safe. With Qiwi Wallet, you can make payments in a variety of scenarios, and in more than 20 countries.