使用 Skrill 在亚马逊购物时,不要被货币兑换费抢走!
发布时间: 2023-05-16 点击:347次

您是一位狂热的亚马逊购物者,喜欢使用 Skrill 进行支付,因为它的便利性和安全性?虽然 Skrill 是一个很好的支付选项,但在亚马逊上进行交易时,您应该注意潜在的隐藏成本:货币兑换费。
Are you an avid Amazon shopper who loves using Skrill to make payments due to its convenience and security? While Skrill is a great payment option, there’s a potential hidden cost that you should be aware of when making transactions on Amazon: currency conversion fees.

交易是这样的:如果您的付款账户和收款账户以不同的货币计价,Skrill 将收取货币转换手续费。为避免收取不必要的费用,为付款和收款账户选择正确的付款货币至关重要。
Here’s the deal: if your paying account and receiving account are denominated in different currencies, Skrill will charge a handling fee for currency conversion. To avoid getting charged more than you have to, it’s crucial to choose the right currency for your payment, both for the paying and receiving accounts.

例如,如果您使用美元付款,而卖家收到的是日元,则您需要选择使用哪种货币付款以避免货币兑换费。选择美元选项并确保您的 Skrill 账户余额可以支付手续费(Skrill 显示为交易金额的百分比或固定金额的欧元)。
For example, if you’re paying with US dollars and the seller is receiving Japanese yen, you’ll need to choose which currency you’ll pay in to avoid currency conversion fees. Select the US dollar option and make sure your Skrill account balance can cover the handling fee (which Skrill displays as a percentage of the transaction amount or as a fixed amount in Euros).

如果您的 Skrill 账户中没有足够的资金来支付费用,您的付款交易将被拒绝,因此请确保您在购买前有足够的资金。
If you don’t have enough money in your Skrill account to cover the fee, your payment transaction will be rejected, so make sure you have enough funds before making your purchase.

另一个需要牢记的重要因素是 Skrill 的汇率,该汇率基于第三方外汇数据提供商公布的每日银行同业拆借市场汇率。幸运的是,以欧元支付费用时不会收取外汇费用,所以如果您有欧元账户,这可能是一个很好的选择,可以完全避免货币转换费用。
Another important factor to keep in mind is Skrill’s exchange rate, which is based on the daily interbank market rate published by a third-party foreign exchange data provider. Fortunately, no foreign exchange fee will be charged when the fee is payable in Euros, so if you have a Euro account, this can be a good option to avoid currency conversion fees altogether.

最后,请务必注意,Skrill 将从您的 Skrill 账户余额中扣除任何应付费用,因此请确保您了解这些费用并有足够的资金支付这些费用。
Finally, it’s important to note that Skrill will deduct any payable fees from your Skrill account balance, so make sure you’re aware of the fees and have enough funds to cover them.

总之,Skrill 是亚马逊购物者的绝佳选择,但如果您的付款账户和收款账户以不同货币计价,请务必注意货币转换费用。通过选择正确的货币、监控您的 Skrill 账户余额并仔细考虑手续费,您可以避免被抢劫并在亚马逊上享受无压力的购物体验。
In conclusion, Skrill is a great option for Amazon shoppers, but it’s important to be aware of currency conversion fees if your paying and receiving accounts are denominated in different currencies. By choosing the right currency, monitoring your Skrill account balance, and carefully considering the handling fees, you can avoid getting robbed and enjoy a stress-free shopping experience on Amazon.