如何在俄罗斯安全地打开您的 QIWI 钱包
发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:259次

您是否厌倦了在俄罗斯被假冒的 QIWI 钱包代理人骗了?别担心,你并不孤单。很多外国人都遇到过同样的困境,但是有办法避免被骗。在本文中,我们将为您提供有关如何在俄罗斯安全打开您的 QIWI 钱包的提示。
Are you tired of being scammed by fake QIWI wallet agents in Russia? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many foreigners have been in the same predicament, but there are ways to avoid being cheated. In this article, we’ll give you tips on how to safely open your QIWI wallet in Russia.

首先,永远不要相信承诺为您创建 QIWI 钱包并收取费用的代理商。 QIWI 钱包注册是免费的,可以在线或通过 QIWI 自助服务亭轻松完成。如果您在注册过程中遇到问题,请向可信赖的朋友或会说俄语的人寻求帮助。
First and foremost, never trust an agent who promises to create a QIWI wallet for you for a fee. QIWI wallet registration is free and can easily be done online or through a QIWI kiosk. If you’re having trouble with the registration process, seek help from a trusted friend or a Russian speaker.

另一件要记住的事情是在下载 QIWI 钱包时只使用受信任的网站或应用程序。诈骗者可以创建看似真实的虚假网站或应用程序,但他们只是想要获取您的个人和财务信息。下载前务必验证网站或应用程序的真实性。
Another thing to keep in mind is to only use trusted websites or apps when downloading QIWI wallet. Scammers can create fake websites or apps that look like the real thing, but they’re just after your personal and financial information. Always verify the authenticity of the website or app before downloading.

最后,如果您对单独创建 QIWI 钱包没有信心,可以前往 QIWI 服务亭寻求帮助。这些信息亭位于俄罗斯的不同地点,并提供多语言支持。您还可以向酒店员工、旅行社或您信任的任何其他当地企业寻求帮助。
Lastly, if you’re not confident in creating your QIWI wallet alone, you can go to a QIWI kiosk to get assistance. These kiosks are located in various locations in Russia and offer multi-language support. You can also ask for help from the staff of your hotel, tour operator, or any other local business that you trust.

综上所述,在俄罗斯开 QIWI 钱包没有压力。遵循这些提示,您可以获得安全无忧的体验。记住要保持警惕,只使用可信赖的来源,并向可信赖的个人或机构寻求帮助。
In summary, opening a QIWI wallet in Russia does not have to be stressful. By following these tips, you can have a safe and hassle-free experience. Remember to be vigilant, only use trusted sources, and seek help from trusted individuals or establishments.

标签:QIWI 钱包,诈骗,俄罗斯,银联,MNP 卡
Tags: QIWI wallet, scams, Russia, UnionPay, MNP cards