电子钱包的力量:向 QIWI 钱包问好
发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:396次

电子钱包或电子钱包彻底改变了我们购买商品和服务的方式。 QIWI 钱包是一种在俄罗斯及其他地区取得进展的此类支付系统。通过 QIWI,用户可以支付账单、购买商品、转账,甚至购买加密货币。该系统安全、方便且易于使用。
Electronic wallets, or e-wallets, have revolutionized the way we pay for goods and services. One such payment system that’s gaining ground in Russia and beyond is QIWI wallet. With QIWI, users can pay bills, purchase goods, transfer funds, and even buy cryptocurrency. The system is secure, convenient, and easy to use.

那么,为什么选择 QIWI 而不是支付宝或 PayPal 等其他支付系统? QIWI 的一个好处是它的可访问性。与其他需要银行账户或信用卡的电子钱包不同,QIWI 可以在俄罗斯购物中心和公共区域的任何 QIWI 自助服务亭充值。用户还可以下载 QIWI 应用程序并在几分钟内创建一个帐户。
So, why choose QIWI over other payment systems like Alipay or PayPal? One benefit of QIWI is its accessibility. Unlike other e-wallets that require a bank account or a credit card, QIWI can be topped up at any of the QIWI kiosks found in shopping malls and public areas in Russia. Users can also download the QIWI app and create an account in minutes.

QIWI 的另一个优势是它的多功能性。该平台允许用户支付各种服务费用,包括水电费、互联网费和电话费。此功能对于那些无法访问银行帐户或信用卡的人特别有用。
Another advantage of QIWI is its versatility. The platform allows users to pay for a variety of services, including utilities, internet, and phone bills. This feature is especially useful for those who don’t have access to a bank account or credit card.

但 QIWI 仅仅是个开始。电子钱包正在改变我们开展业务和与全球客户联系的方式。例如,蚂蚁金服的 eWTP 旨在为中小企业和年轻人提供全球买卖平台。该系统还将通过在电子商务行业创造新的就业机会来解决就业问题。
But QIWI is just the beginning. Electronic wallets are changing the way we do business and connect with customers worldwide. Ant Financial’s eWTP, for example, is set to provide global buying and selling platforms for SMEs and young people. This system will also address employment problems by creating new jobs in the e-commerce industry.

此外,支付宝的“全球收货、全球支付”系统将与泰国的Ascend Money整合,让泰国人只需一部手机就可以轻松购买全球任何地方的商品。这种整合也将推动泰国新兴的电子支付行业,类似于 QIWI 在俄罗斯的影响。
In addition, Alipay’s “Global Receive, Global Pay” system will be integrated with Thailand’s Ascend Money, making it easier for Thais to purchase products from anywhere in the world with just a mobile phone. This integration will also boost Thailand’s emerging electronic payment industry, similar to QIWI’s impact in Russia.

电子钱包的兴起也可能对其他行业产生影响。例如,游戏行业已经见证了通过电子钱包在线购物的激增。例如,在印度,Paytm 已成为在线和移动游戏玩家的热门支付选项。
The rise of electronic wallets may also have an impact on other industries. For instance, the gaming industry has already seen a surge in online purchases through e-wallets. In India, for example, Paytm has become a popular payment option for online and mobile gamers.

总之,QIWI 钱包只是电子钱包强大功能的一个例子。这些系统正在改变我们支付商品和服务的方式,与全球客户建立联系,并在电子商务行业创造新的就业机会。电子钱包的前景一片光明,我们可以期待在未来几年看到更多创新解决方案的推出。
In conclusion, QIWI wallet is just one example of the power of electronic wallets. These systems are transforming the way we pay for goods and services, connect with customers worldwide, and create new jobs in the e-commerce industry. The future of electronic wallets looks bright, and we can expect to see more innovative solutions being introduced in the coming years.