准备好与 Qiwi 一起实现无现金化:终极支付服务提供商
发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:289次

嘿,无现金爱好者们!您准备好通过支付实现数字化了吗?如果是,那么让我们向您介绍 Qiwi 的世界。 Qiwi 是一家俄罗斯支付服务提供商,提供无缝在线汇款服务,包括在线和移动支付。但在我们深入探讨之前,让我们简要了解一下 Qiwi 的历史以及它是如何诞生的。
Hey there, fellow cashless enthusiasts! Are you ready to go digital with your payments? If yes, then let us introduce you to the world of Qiwi. Qiwi is a Russian payment service provider that offers seamless online money transfer services, including online and mobile payments. But before we dive in, let’s take a brief look at Qiwi’s history and how it came into existence.

Qiwi 由俄罗斯互联网公司 Mail.ru 于 2007 年创立。它最初是一个数字支付系统,但很快发展成为一个成熟的支付服务提供商,提供移动支付应用程序、银行账户服务和数字汇款选项。如今,Qiwi 是俄罗斯无现金支付领域的领导者,每月活跃用户超过 2100 万,业务遍及 20 多个国家/地区。
Qiwi was founded in 2007 by a Russian internet company, Mail.ru. It started as a digital payment system but soon evolved into a full-fledged payment service provider, offering mobile payment apps, bank account services, and digital remittance options. Today, Qiwi is the leader in Russian cashless payments, with over 21 million monthly active users and a presence in 20+ countries.

下面说一下Qiwi的移动支付APP,iOS和Android平台都可以使用。您可以用它来支付各种服务,例如水电费、手机充值、网上购物等等。只需轻点几下,您就可以将资金转账给任何拥有 Qiwi 钱包的人,或者向接受 Qiwi 付款的线下商家付款。
Now let’s talk about Qiwi’s mobile payment app, which is available on both iOS and Android platforms. You can use it to pay for various services, such as utility bills, mobile recharges, online shopping, and much more. With just a few taps, you can transfer funds to anyone with a Qiwi wallet or pay offline merchants who accept Qiwi payments.

但这还不是全部。 Qiwi 还提供银行账户服务,允许您创建虚拟或实体 Qiwi 卡,您可以使用它进行在线或离线支付。您可以使用信用卡或借记卡轻松地为您的 Qiwi 银行账户充值,并且没有最低余额要求。此外,Qiwi Bank 提供极具吸引力的利率,是您存放储蓄的理想场所。
But that’s not all. Qiwi also offers a bank account service that allows you to create a virtual or physical Qiwi card, which you can use to make payments online or offline. You can easily top-up your Qiwi bank account using your credit or debit card, and there’s no minimum balance requirement. Plus, Qiwi Bank offers attractive interest rates, making it a great place to park your savings.

最后但同样重要的是,让我们谈谈 Qiwi 的数字汇款选项。您可以使用 Qiwi 向世界任何地方的朋友和家人汇款。您只需要他们的 Qiwi 钱包或银行账户详细信息,就可以开始了。 Qiwi 的数字汇款选项快速、安全且价格合理,是希望向国外汇款的任何人的理想选择。
Last but not least, let’s talk about Qiwi’s digital remittance options. You can use Qiwi to send money to your friends and family anywhere in the world. All you need is their Qiwi wallet or bank account details, and you’re good to go. Qiwi’s digital remittance options are fast, secure, and affordable, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to send money abroad.

总之,Qiwi 是一家一体化支付服务提供商,提供范围广泛的在线汇款服务,包括移动支付应用程序、银行账户和数字汇款。使用 Qiwi,您可以无现金购物,节省时间,避免携带现金的麻烦。你还在等什么?立即注册 Qiwi,加入无现金革命。
In conclusion, Qiwi is an all-in-one payment service provider that offers a wide range of online money transfer services, including mobile payment apps, bank accounts, and digital remittances. With Qiwi, you can go cashless, save time, and avoid the hassle of carrying cash. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Qiwi today and join the cashless revolution.