发布时间: 2023-05-20 点击:428次

您是否使用 QIWI Wallet 或 Yoomoney 等数字钱包进行在线交易?如果是这样,重要的是要了解这些服务带来的潜在风险和漏洞。虽然它们提供便利和易用性,但它们也需要谨慎的安全措施以确保您的资金安全。
Do you use digital wallets like QIWI Wallet or Yoomoney to make online transactions? If so, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and vulnerabilities that come with these services. While they offer convenience and ease of use, they also require careful security measures to ensure that your money stays safe.

从QIWI Wallet开始,转账支付需要短信验证,系统相对安全。然而,只要一个失误——丢失手机卡——就会让你的整个账户都变得脆弱。想象一下,有人获得了您的卡并决定将您所有的钱转入他们的账户。如果您的手机无法接收代码,您将无法阻止它们。在这种情况下,旨在保护您帐户的安全功能反而充当了黑客和小偷的网关。
Starting with QIWI Wallet, which requires SMS verification to make transfer payments, the system seems relatively secure. However, it only takes one misstep – losing your mobile phone card – to make your whole account vulnerable. Imagine that someone has gained possession of your card and decides to transfer all your money to their account. Without your phone to receive the code, you’re powerless to stop them. In this scenario, the security feature that was meant to protect your account has instead acted as a gateway for hackers and thieves.

那么,您可以做些什么来防止这种情况发生呢?首先,请注意您将电话卡放在哪里,并考虑使用密码来保护您的 QIWI 钱包应用程序。此外,您可以启用指纹或面部识别以确保只有您可以访问您的帐户。
So, what can you do to prevent this from happening? Firstly, be mindful of where you keep your phone card and consider using a password to secure your QIWI Wallet app. Additionally, you can enable fingerprint or face recognition to make sure only you have access to your account.

至于 Yoomoney,它的优势在于它的多功能性。支持包括加密货币在内的多种支付方式,是经常进行跨境交易的人士的理想选择。 Yoomoney 还配备了双因素身份验证和加密协议,以提供最大程度的保护。
As for Yoomoney, its strength lies in its versatility. With support for multiple payment methods, including cryptocurrency, it’s an ideal choice for those who frequently make cross-border transactions. Yoomoney also comes equipped with two-factor authentication and encryption protocols to provide maximum protection.

But even with all these features, there is still the risk of human error. For example, if you use the same password for multiple accounts, it’s easy for hackers to access them all. To avoid this, use unique and complex passwords for each account that you use.

In conclusion, while digital wallets and online transactions provide convenience, they also come with potential risks. To keep your money safe, be mindful of security measures like two-factor authentication, password protection, and phone card security. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that your money stays safely in your account.