你还在用现金吗?是时候切换到 WebMoney 或 Yandex.Money 了!
发布时间: 2023-05-09 点击:400次

您是否仍像 1999 年那样随身携带现金?是时候步入现代世界并开始使用俄罗斯的 WebMoney 或 Yandex.Money 等电子支付方式了。这些支付系统提供便利和易用性,允许您直接转账或将资金存入在线钱包。
Are you still carrying cash around like it’s 1999? It’s time to step into the modern world and start using electronic payment methods like WebMoney or Yandex.Money in Russia. These payment systems offer convenience and ease of use, allowing you to transfer funds directly or deposit them to an online wallet.

全国有超过 200,000 台 ATM 接受 WebMoney 和 Yandex.Money,您不必担心找不到兼容的支付终端。此外,这些电子支付方式提供比传统银行方式更快的交易。
With over 200,000 ATMs across the country that accept WebMoney and Yandex.Money, you won’t have to worry about finding a compatible payment terminal. Plus, these electronic payment methods offer faster transactions than traditional banking methods.

但这还不是全部。领先的科技新闻网站Digitimes还提供行业研究咨询和会员服务介绍等会员服务。无论您是企业主还是对最新科技趋势感兴趣,Digitimes 都能满足您的需求。
But that’s not all. Digitimes, a leading technology news website, also provides membership services for industry research consultation and member service introduction. Whether you’re a business owner or interested in the latest tech trends, Digitimes has you covered.

要激活您的 WebMoney 或 Yandex.Money 帐户,只需申请试用应用程序并按照说明操作即可。需要帮忙?联系申请热线或会员邮箱寻求帮助。
To activate your WebMoney or Yandex.Money account, simply apply for a trial application and follow the instructions. Need help? Contact the application hotline or member mailbox for assistance.

如果您想了解最新的行业新闻,请不要忘记订阅印刷版时事通讯。有这么多东西可供选择,是时候转向电子支付方式并利用俄罗斯的 WebMoney 和 Yandex.Money 提供的优势了。
And if you want to stay up-to-date on the latest industry news, don’t forget to subscribe to the print newsletter. With so much to offer, it’s time to make the switch to electronic payment methods and take advantage of the benefits offered by WebMoney and Yandex.Money in Russia.