发布时间: 2023-05-16 点击:512次

Do you experience payment issues during your cross-border online shopping? If so, you are not the only one. Payment issues have become one of the most critical concerns for cross-border e-commerce, which can ruin your shopping fun and might even lead to fraud. Knowing different payment methods beforehand is crucial for smoother transactions. Below are the five commonly used payment methods in cross-border e-commerce with their pros and cons:

Credit cards are the most popular payment method in European and American markets. They provide a convenient and quick payment process globally. They also come with fraud protection and chargeback services if any unauthorized charges occur. However, a credit card might be risky if your card number falls into the wrong hands, leading to unauthorized purchases.

贝宝的应用范围很广,尤其是小额交易。这是一种加密和保护买家信息的安全支付方式。它还提供了在特定期限内退款的选项,让买家在交易过程中安心。但是,PayPal 对交易收取费用,这使得它对大额购买的吸引力降低。
PayPal has a wide range of applications, especially for small transactions. It’s a secure payment method that encrypts and protects buyers’ information. It also offers the option of refunding within a specific period, giving buyers peace of mind during the transaction. However, PayPal charges a fee for transactions, making it less attractive for large purchases.

Cashpay 因其快速的结算速度和 100% 的欺诈赔偿而受到欢迎。如果有任何未经授权的交易,它会提供当日付款结算和任何损失赔偿。但是,Cashpay 是有限的,并且在全球范围内并未被广泛接受。
Cashpay has gained popularity due to its fast settlement speed and 100% fraud compensation. It offers a same-day payment settlement and compensation for any losses if there are any unauthorized transactions. However, Cashpay is limited, and it’s not widely accepted globally.

QIWI是跨境电商最便捷的支付方式,用户可以通过手机进行支付。设置过程简单且用户友好。此外,QIWI 提供欺诈保护并支持多种货币,使全球用户更容易使用。然而,QIWI 需要激活身份验证才能进行交易,这可能非常耗时。
QIWI is the most convenient payment method for cross-border e-commerce, allowing users to make payments using their mobile phones. The setup process is simple and user-friendly. Besides, QIWI offers fraud protection and supports several currencies, making it more accessible for users worldwide. However, QIWI needs to activate authentication to trade, which can be time-consuming.

Payoneer主要为全球客户提供收款账户,让他们可以在当地的银行账户中接收跨境支付。这种方法提供低交易费用和实时支付转账。此外,Payoneer还为用户提供了一个联盟计划来赚钱。然而,Payoneer 提款可能需要一些时间才能到达银行账户,而且服务费可能相当可观。
Payoneer mainly provides collection accounts for global customers, allowing them to receive cross-border payments in their local bank account. This method offers low transaction fees and real-time payment transfers. Besides, Payoneer also provides an affiliate program for users to earn money. However, Payoneer withdrawals might take some time to reach bank accounts, and the service charge can be considerable.

In conclusion, cross-border payment has become more accessible with the emerging payment methods. Selecting the right payment method depends on individual preferences and needs. Credit card, PayPal, Cashpay, QIWI, and Payoneer are some commonly used payment methods in cross-border e-commerce, each with its pros and cons. Choose your payment method wisely and enjoy the benefits of cross-border online shopping without any worries.