不要错过折扣!立即通过兑换 WebMoney 获得免费电话信用额度!
发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:258次

谁不喜欢存钱?随着在线购物变得越来越流行,重要的是找到在不破坏银行的情况下为您的购买付款的方式。这就是 WebMoney 的用武之地,为在线支付提供全球解决方案。但是您是否知道 WebMoney 还有一项功能可以让您用信用点数换取话费?这是一种小而强大的在线购物省钱方式。
Who doesn’t love saving money? As online shopping becomes increasingly popular, it’s important to find ways to pay for your purchases without breaking the bank. That’s where WebMoney comes in, offering a global solution to online payment. But did you know that WebMoney also has a feature that allows you to exchange credit points for phone credit? It’s a small but powerful way to save money on your online purchases.

它是这样运作的:当您使用 WebMoney 付款时,您将获得信用点数。然后可以将这些信用点数换成电话信用额度,从而有效地允许您使用在线购买来支付电话计划费用。对于经常进行跨境交易或在线购物的中国用户,此功能有可能为您节省不少钱。
Here’s how it works: when you make a payment with WebMoney, you earn credit points. These credit points can then be exchanged for phone credit, effectively allowing you to pay for your phone plan using your online purchases. For Chinese users who frequently make cross-border transactions or online purchases, this feature has the potential to save you quite a bit of money.

例如,假设您一直在俄罗斯的网站上关注一双新鞋。使用 WebMoney,您可以进行购买并赚取积分。一旦您积累了足够的信用点数,您就可以将它们兑换成电话信用额度,从而有效地允许您通过在线购买来支付电话套餐费用。您不仅可以获得梦寐以求的鞋子,还可以节省电话费 – 这是一个双赢的局面!
Let’s say, for example, that you’ve been eyeing a new pair of shoes on a website based in Russia. Using WebMoney, you can make the purchase and earn credit points. Once you’ve accumulated enough credit points, you can exchange them for phone credit, effectively allowing you to pay for your phone plan with your online purchase. Not only do you get the shoes you’ve been dreaming of, but you also save money on your phone bill – it’s a win-win situation!

但为什么要停在鞋子上呢?想象一下,能够用信用点数换取电话信用额度来支付从杂货到音乐会门票的一切费用。潜在的节省是无穷无尽的,而这一切都可以通过 WebMoney 实现。
But why stop at shoes? Imagine being able to exchange credit points for phone credit to pay for everything from groceries to concert tickets. The potential savings are endless and it’s all made possible through WebMoney.

你还在等什么?立即在 WebMoney 上注册并开始享受跨境收付款的好处。不要忘记利用交换信用点功能,这可以帮助您在网上购物时省钱。谁知道呢?也许有一天,您将能够只使用信用点数来支付整个电话套餐的费用!
So, what are you waiting for? Register on WebMoney today and start enjoying the benefits of cross-border collection and payment. Don’t forget to take advantage of the exchange credit points feature, which can help you save money on your online purchases. And who knows? Maybe one day you’ll be able to pay for your entire phone plan using nothing but credit points!