不要让您的 Skrill 账户闲置:这是保护您的资金的方法!
发布时间: 2023-05-18 点击:309次

让我们面对现实吧——我们都有一个帐户,我们不久前建立了这个帐户,但再也没有看过。但是您是否知道,让您的 Skrill 账户长时间不活跃可能会使您的资金面临风险?那么,你问,你如何保护你的钱?答案很简单——YooMoney 钱包及其实体卡应用程序!
Let’s face it – we all have that one account we set up a while back and never looked at again. But did you know that keeping your Skrill account inactive for extended periods could put your funds at risk? So, how do you safeguard your money, you ask? The answer is simple – YooMoney Wallet and its physical card application!

通过申请实体卡,您可以最大限度地利用 Skrill 并享受各种好处。让我们来看看:
By applying for a physical card, you can maximize your Skrill usage and enjoy a variety of benefits. Let’s take a look:

首先,该卡增强了您对资金的访问。您可以将它链接到您的 Skrill 帐户并使用它在任何地方进行购买。此外,您不需要互联网连接即可使用它——非常适合那些忙碌的时刻!
First and foremost, the card enhances access to your funds. You can link it to your Skrill account and use it to make purchases anywhere. Plus, you don’t need an internet connection to use it – perfect for those on-the-go moments!

该卡还为您的资金提供额外的安全保障。由于它未连接到您的银行帐户,因此几乎没有或没有未经授权访问或欺诈活动的风险。此外,它受 PIN 码保护,因此即使您丢失了它,您的钱仍然安全。
The card also provides an extra layer of security for your funds. Since it’s not connected to your bank account, there’s little to no risk of unauthorized access or fraudulent activities. Plus, it’s PIN-protected, so even if you lose it, your money remains safe.

但这还不是全部——通过申请该卡,您还可以享受独家折扣、奖金和促销活动。例如,一些零售商为使用该卡进行的购买提供现金返还。更重要的是,您可以为每笔交易赚取 YooMoney 积分,以后可以兑换奖励。
But that’s not all – by applying for the card, you can also enjoy exclusive discounts, bonuses, and promotions. For instance, some retailers offer cashback for purchases made using the card. What’s more, you can earn YooMoney points for every transaction, which you can later redeem for rewards.

那么,如何申请实体卡呢?这比你想象的要容易!只需前往 YooMoney 钱包网站并提交申请即可。这个过程快速而直接,您很快就会收到您的卡。
So, how do you apply for the physical card? It’s easier than you think! Simply head over to the YooMoney Wallet website and submit an application. The process is quick and straightforward, and you’ll receive your card in no time.

总之,不要让您的 Skrill 账户处于闲置状态——通过 YooMoney Wallet 的实体卡应用程序保护并最大化您的资金。该卡具有访问权限、安全性和专有优势,是任何寻求便捷高效资金管理的人的必备之选。
In conclusion, don’t let your Skrill account remain inactive – protect and maximize your funds through YooMoney Wallet’s physical card application. With access, security, and exclusive benefits, the card is a must-have for anyone looking for convenient and efficient money management.