Skirting Skrill:保护闲置账户的完整指南
发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:389次

在在线交易方面,Skrill 是最值得信赖的支付网关之一。但是,如果您是一个倾向于长期保持账户余额的人,您可能想知道如何保护您的资金。
When it comes to online transactions, Skrill is one of the most trusted payment gateways out there. However, if you’re someone who tends to keep a balance in your account for extended periods, you may be wondering how to safeguard your funds.

首先,确保您的 Skrill 账户经过验证至关重要。这意味着提供有效的 ID 和地址证明,以及完成必要的安全检查。此外,建议设置双因素身份验证 (2FA) 为您的帐户增加一层额外的保护。
First and foremost, it’s crucial to ensure that your Skrill account is verified. This means providing a valid ID and proof of address, as well as completing the necessary security checks. Additionally, it’s advisable to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of protection to your account.

但是,如果您有一段时间未访问的非活动帐户怎么办?这就是 Qiwi 的付费服务派上用场的地方。通过在 Qiwi 注册您的 Skrill 账户,您将可以使用一系列有助于确保资金安全的功能。
But what if you have an inactive account that you haven’t accessed in a while? This is where Qiwi’s paid service comes in handy. By registering your Skrill account with Qiwi, you’ll have access to a range of features that can help keep your funds secure.

Qiwi 付费服务的主要优势之一是能够在您的 Skrill 账户有任何活动时收到通知。这意味着您将知道是否有人试图登录或进行交易,即使您已经数周或数月未访问您的帐户。
One of the key benefits of Qiwi’s paid service is the ability to receive notifications when there is any activity on your Skrill account. This means you’ll know if someone has attempted to log in or make a transaction, even if you haven’t accessed your account in weeks or months.

除了通知之外,Qiwi 的付费服务还提供与注册股票相关的最新消息和公司活动列表。对于希望通过 Skrill 做出有关买卖投资的明智决定的任何人来说,这可能非常有价值。
In addition to notifications, Qiwi’s paid service also offers a list of the latest news and company events related to registered stocks. This can be incredibly valuable for anyone looking to make informed decisions about buying or selling investments through Skrill.

当然,这不仅仅是使用第三方服务来保护您的资金。您还可以遵循一些最佳实践来确保您的 Skrill 账户安全。例如,在进行交易时避免使用公共 Wi-Fi 网络,因为这些网络很容易被黑客入侵。相反,尽可能使用私有、安全的网络。
Of course, it’s not just about using third-party services to protect your funds. There are also some best practices you can follow to ensure your Skrill account remains secure. For example, avoid using public Wi-Fi networks when making transactions, as these can be easily hacked. Instead, use a private, secure network whenever possible.

另一个提示是定期检查您的 Skrill 帐户是否有任何异常活动,即使您已经有一段时间没有访问它了。这可以帮助您在欺诈交易升级之前发现它们。
Another tip is to regularly check your Skrill account for any unusual activity, even if you haven’t accessed it in a while. This can help you catch any fraudulent transactions before they escalate.

总之,有多种方法可以保护您在 Skrill 上的资金并确保您的闲置账户保持安全。通过注册 Qiwi 的付费服务、设置 2FA 并遵循最佳实践,您会高枕无忧,因为您知道自己的资金是安全的。
In summary, there are a variety of ways to safeguard your funds on Skrill and ensure that your inactive account remains secure. By registering with Qiwi’s paid service, setting up 2FA, and following best practices, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your money is safe.