发布时间: 2023-05-19 点击:500次

首先,让我们解决发音争论:Skrill 是像“grill”还是像“thrill”?好吧,根据公司本身的说法,它应该发音为“skrill”,如“shrill”。然而,由于它在中国是一个相对较新的名称,如果您仍然说“skirr”,我们不会责怪您。
First off, let’s tackle the pronunciation debate: is it Skrill like “grill,” or Skrill like “thrill?” Well, according to the company itself, it’s supposed to be pronounced like “skrill,” as in “shrill.” However, since it’s a relatively new name in China, we won’t blame you if you’re still saying “skirr.”

现在,进入正题:如何确保您的 Skrill 账户安全可靠。 Skrill 是进行在线支付和处理数字钱包的绝佳工具,但您需要确保遵循正确的步骤以确保您的资金和数据安全。
Now, onto the real meat of the matter: how to keep your Skrill account safe and secure. Skrill is a great tool for making online payments and handling digital wallets, but you need to make sure you’re following the right steps to keep your money and data secure.

第一步是帐户验证。您需要将您的 Skrill 账户与银行卡或信用卡相关联,这样您才能充值和进行交易。但在此之前,您需要完成验证过程。 Skrill 应用程序将指导您完成必要的步骤,通常包括提供身份证件以及验证您的电子邮件地址和电话号码。
The first step is account verification. You’ll need to link your Skrill account to a bank card or credit card, which allows you to add funds and make transactions. But before you can do that, you’ll need to complete the verification process. The Skrill app will guide you through the necessary steps, which typically involves providing ID documents and verifying your email address and phone number.

Once your account is verified, you’ll want to enable two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring you to enter a code (sent to your phone or email) in addition to your login credentials. You can also set up a transaction PIN to further restrict access to your account.

另一个要记住的重要提示是永远不要与任何人分享您的 Skrill 登录凭据或个人信息。黑客和诈骗者一直在寻找窃取个人数据的方法,所以不要给他们一个容易的目标。
Another important tip to keep in mind is to never share your Skrill login credentials or personal information with anyone. Hackers and scammers are always looking for ways to steal personal data, so don’t give them an easy target.

现在,让我们换个话题谈谈 yoomoney,这款智能手机应用程序可让您从一个地方控制所有智能家居设备。使用 yoomoney,您可以将所有设备连接在一起,只需在小米手机上轻点几下即可控制它们。但 yoomoney 不仅限于您的手机——它还可以与 Google Home 和 Amazon Echo 等其他智能家居中心集成。
Now, let’s shift gears and talk about yoomoney, the smartphone app that allows you to control all your smart home devices from one place. With yoomoney, you can link together all your devices and control them with just a few taps on your Xiaomi phone. But yoomoney isn’t limited to just your phone – it can also integrate with other smart home hubs like Google Home and Amazon Echo.

这意味着您可以通过用于支付 Skrill 账单的同一个应用程序来控制您的灯光、恒温器,甚至您的咖啡机。此外,借助该应用程序的高级设置,您可以创建自定义例程,根据您的日程安排使您的设备自动化。
This means you can control your lights, thermostat, and even your coffee maker from the same app you use to pay your Skrill bill. Plus, with the app’s advanced settings, you can create custom routines that automate your devices based on your daily schedule.

总而言之,Skrill 和 yoomoney 是两个强大的工具,可以让您的数字生活更加方便和安全。请记住遵循帐户安全的最佳做法,切勿与任何人共享个人数据。当然,不要忘记以正确的方式发音“Skrill”——像火警一样刺耳!
To wrap things up, Skrill and yoomoney are two powerful tools for making your digital life more convenient and secure. Just remember to follow best practices for account security and never share personal data with anyone. And of course, don’t forget to pronounce “Skrill” the right way – shrill like a fire alarm!