Skrill 经纪商计划:以时尚的方式释放您的盈利潜力
发布时间: 2023-05-20 点击:368次

skrill 经纪商计划不同于现有的任何其他经纪商计划。会员不仅可以接收付款,还可以直接从 skrill 平台开具发票。那么如何才能成为该计划中的一名成功经纪人呢?让我们深入了解关键点。
The skrill broker program is unlike any other brokerage program out there. Members have the ability to not only receive payments, but also issue invoices straight from the skrill platform. So how can one become a successful broker within this program? Let’s dive into the key points.

Firstly, account verification is mandatory and cannot be overlooked. Only verified accounts are eligible for commission, so it’s important to get your verification process started as soon as possible. Not to worry, the verification process is quick and easy, and once completed you’re one step closer to unlocking your earning potential.

一旦您的帐户通过验证,您就可以熟悉开票流程了。请务必注意,发票仅由 skrill 开具,因此作为经纪人,您无需在这方面付出任何额外努力。只需专注于产生销售,skrill 将处理剩下的事情。
Once your account is verified, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the invoicing process. It’s important to note that invoices are issued solely by skrill, so as a broker you won’t have to exert any extra effort in this regard. Simply focus on generating sales and skrill will handle the rest.

佣金于每月 15 日支付,最低支付金额为 100 美元。这似乎是一个令人望而生畏的数字,但凭借对该计划的奉献精神和稳固的客户群,可以轻松实现。请务必注意,还有两种可用的付款方式:电子钱包和电汇。
Commission is paid on the 15th of each month, and there is a minimum payout of $100. This may seem like a daunting figure, but with dedication to the program and a solid customer base, it can easily be achieved. It’s important to note that there are also two payment methods available: e-wallet and wire transfer.

For e-wallet payment, the minimum amount is $100 and a wallet address and account screenshots are required. This method is ideal for those looking for a quick payout without the hassle of a wire transfer.

另一方面,最低电汇付款为 500 美元。虽然这看起来是一笔巨款,但请务必记住,电汇是一种安全可靠的付款方式。
On the other hand, the minimum wire transfer payment is $500. While this may seem like a large sum, it’s important to remember that wire transfers are a safe and secure method of payment.

总之,skrill 经纪人计划提供了一个独特的财务成功机会。凭借接收付款和开具发票的能力,该程序与众不同。请记住,账户验证是强制性的,只有经过验证的账户才有资格获得佣金。佣金于每月 15 日支付,最低支付额为 100 美元。通过奉献和努力,skrill 经纪商计划的成功指日可待。
In conclusion, the skrill broker program offers a unique opportunity for financial success. With the ability to receive payments and issue invoices, this program is unlike any other. Remember, account verification is mandatory and only verified accounts are eligible for commission. Commissions are paid on the 15th of each month, with a minimum payout of $100. With dedication and hard work, success within the skrill broker program is just around the corner.